I feel like these towels need to have a environmental-based review to be realistic about their performance.I live in Washington state and purchased these around Christmas time.*For context, we keep our heat pretty low, between 60°- 65° fahrenheit, during wintertime*I was excited to wash them and give one a go.Wet from a shower, I grabbed one and started the drying process.The first thing I noticed was there was no lint sticking to my wet skin. Huge bonus for that.I paid particular attention to the absorption rate and, this is where environment matters, I couldn't dry fast enough.I felt like I was still wet, even though I was toweling off like a mad woman. And, the longer I stayed wet, the colder I got.I could have easily grabbed an old, tried and true towel to finish the job, but I really wanted to try this new towel out.So, I stayed the course and continued to dry off...after turning the heat up.That's when this towel really started to absorb. It worked great!I tried the towel out again the next day, with the heat at 68°, and it was amazing!The absorption was exactly like it should have been the first time around.Once I understood the towel, and it's material, I knew I would purchase more.After thinking about this experience and comparing it to all the warm places that I've visited, I t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ know these towels work best in a warmer environment.If you live in a place with mild, warm, or hot seasons, I definitely 100% recommend. Hands down, without a doubt, recommend.If you have a "winter", and keep your heat at a normal, human-like temperature, I definitely 100% recommend. Hands down, without a doubt, recommend.If you're cheap, or cutting down on expenses, including heat, you might want to grab a different towel.I plan on purchasing more of these for our three non-cold seasons to use for showers and water activities during summertime.Might I also add how generous the size is; perfect for the beach or pool.
Source: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/RMM0JC941NOIX/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B08BMPW4H9